November 5, 2006 - Sunday
From: Lemur, To: Cocksucker
I could rail against you. Scream about your unfairness, your 'one-dimensionness'. Your failure to see that outside of the office that life still goes on… Without you… Is that all you are capable of handling? Is it, in fact your only use to this world; talk quick, think slow, and exercise your meager paranoia-driven power?
You've found yourself down a deep, dark, personal hole haven't you Gal? Or are you simply to stupid to figure it out? Where will you go from here? What personal development have you achieved aside from an accumulation of pointless, redundant, mispronounced vernacular which you use to never actually make a point?
I could stay angry at you. But I won't. I'll laugh instead at your idiotic armchair psychological statements about my personality. Look at you. How am I supposed to take you seriously when you say things like "You need to adjust your personality to deal with the real world" or some other such nonsensical babble. Why, for the love of all that is holy would I listen to you? Are you supposed to be some model for the correct attitude? You have no sense of humour, you govern through fear, your blinded by fatuous self-importance, and most importantly, you haven't got a soul. You're a fool Gal, whose taken a directorship position in a company so massively in debt the yapping auditors are barely kept at bay. Easier to knock out a few of the other people with their hands out in the cue than reconcile with yourself that you're predominantly useless. The hypocrisy is ripe and stinks of your own insecurities superimposed on me.
You were in my face from day one -- anything from your hare-brained 'get shaved' scheme to robotize the people working near you, to blocking my business cards, to mumbling incoherent and silly demands on things you know nothing about via your extraordinarily tight sphincter.
Are you afraid of big men Gal? Is that why you fired me? Was it the fact the I drove you to make points you are never able to make? Answer questions you'll never be able to answer? What was it that caused you to dislike me? Perhaps you vaguely sensed that I thought you were a rat-bastard as soon as I met you. Perhaps that thought crept into your shallow intuition at some point. Because let's face it, the reasons you gave me, in your roundabout poli-talk, were bogus. You gave intangibles, nothing real. Because you had nothing real. Just the burgeoning sense that I saw through your suit and tie, and nazi-style managership to the scared little man beneath. That being said, I can't believe you had the gall to fire me Gal.
Perhaps you'll read this. Perhaps you won't. I don't really care…But if you do, let me give you a tip:
Talk straight motherfucker.
That's the advice I have for you.
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